Our Products and services
Radio Frequency Identification Solution
RFID solution is mainly used for access control to buildings and restricted areas. However, with the introduction of UHF technology, RFID can also be used for asset tracking, asset management and inventory monitoring. With the correct combination of RFID reader and tags, the application is limitless.
Real Time Location System
By using Ultra Wide Band (UWB) frequency, low latency can be achieved between anchors and tags. This allows for precise 2D tracking of personnel in high risk and high traffic work area such as mining, oil platform and warehouse. RTLS solution can also provide alarm and notification at areas without network connectivity. Furthermore, when installed on fork-lift, it can improve safety by preventing collision.
Bluetooth Low Energy Solution
New improved Bluetooth 5.0 technology has enabled the use of bluetooth as an alternative tracking solution. By connecting sensors and beacons to gateways, we can create many creative solutions. For example, asset tracking solution, personnel tracking, virtual guide and many more.
GPS tracker is mainly used for fleet monitoring. However, with the fast pace of technology advancement, we need to be flexible in providing a solution and fulfilling the various needs of our customers. Hence an advanced and flexible GPS tracker that can be adjusted quickly for different projects is an ideal solution for Telematics industry.
IOT Solution
IoT solutions help build massive networks of IoT devices, reducing the complexity, ensuring device efficiency, and driving innovation across industries looking for growth opportunities and operational efficiencies. We implement IoT devices and solutions to help create an optimal solution that caters to the needs of our customer.
About US
PT. Tekno Logika Indonesia provides intelligent tracking solutions to help organisations automate and optimise tasks and services.
Using sensor based technologies and digital connectivity we improve workflow, seamlessly, enabling the tracking of hundreds and thousands of assets in real-time and removing reliance on manual processes.
Tracking equipment, people, fleet or inventory, reduces the time to complete tasks to seconds. In addition, simultaneously capturing and validating safety and compliance data and delivering timely alerts help drive organisational productivity.
In the midst of a world spurred by the fast-paced technological advancement, demand for automation to optimise tasks and services are important for companies to improve their efficiency.
Our company works in both public sector and commercial organisations involving tracking equipment, people, inventory, and fleet. We automate and optimise paper-based and manual tasks using sensors to capture data, reducing the time to complete daily tasks to seconds, and enabling you to reclaim valuable time.
We are honest and truthful in our dealings and we do not mislead or deceive others by any means
We aim to improve and learn from our mistakes rather than pushing responsibilities to others
We aim to treat all people with equal respect and dignity regardless of sex, race or national origin
We are worthy of trust. We demonstrate fidelity and loyalty to our partners and clients by friendship in adversity, support, and devotion to duty
Case Studies
Port Terminal Automation Gate
Through the use of RFID, sensors and other IoT devices, we implemented automation gate at container port terminal to improve verification of truck, driver and container. Gate automatically opens when all data has been verified by the system. In addition, we have installed checkpoints around the terminal to verify trucks that has cleared the gate first.

Real Time Location System (RTLS) for Automated Manufacturing Reporting
Ultra Wide band (UWB) which has low latency update time is used for Real Time Location System (RTLS) at SANY manufacturing facility. The use of RTLS is to allow the automatic process reporting for the processing and assembly line. RTLS is able to combine with MES (Manufacturing Execution System) to allow the monitoring of order process.